GEN_SCAN: the observatory of digital skill needs
The Grande Ecole du Numérique has launched in 2022 a powerful observatory about the digital skill needs in France.
GEN_SCAN: an observatory to follow the development of the digital training offer and the digital skill needs
In 2020 and 2021, we set up an observatory of digital skill needs that ranks in the Top 15 most wanted digital jobs in France and in each region. This gives us a regional view of the ecosystem.
In 2022, GEN has developed a powerful search engine to make the offer of digital training more visible: you can access a catalogue of more than 15,000 training courses in the digital professions.
And GEN has also launched GEN_SCAN, an observatory to follow the development of the digital training offer, to put it into the perspective of the skills sought by companies in the different regions in order to identify levers of action to reduce the shortage of talent in the territories.
GEN with its ecosystem for matching and analyzing digital skills has succeeded in creating and implementing a detailed and exhaustive map API of existing digital jobs, already adopted by French digital ecosystem.
This mapping allowed GEN to gathered data from every digital training provider to build a unique search engine helping people accessing to the whole training offer for each job (depending on current level, expected diploma, area…). This map evolves frequently thanks to a work group made up of professionals and experts in the digital sector.
This API enabled GEN to classify job offers and publish statistics on French digital skills gap. GEN also elaborated a stress index for every digital job depending on the area, to highlight current and upcoming digital skills gaps.